Our Vision
At Hartwell Primary our guiding Christian Values and resolute belief that all children can achieve means that we support and challenge every child to aim for the highest standard in who they are and all they do.
We aspire for our children to achieve their full potential in every way so that they develop a lifelong love of learning in order to experience life in all its fullness.
'Believe, Aspire, Grow'
Our vision is inspired by the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23)
We believe, as Jesus taught, that with the right soil (an inspirational learning environment, curriculum and staff) all our pupils (the seeds) have the potential to thrive.
We do this by:
• Providing a welcoming, secure and inclusive environment which stimulates our learners to be confident, hardworking and to respond positively to challenge
• Promoting personal responsibility, good citizenship and Christian and British Values that develop high behavioural and moral standards
• Delivering a rich curriculum which ensures balance and breadth, and prepares our children for their future
• Delivering learning that is challenging and fun which meets the individual needs of our children
• Encouraging respect for all and active engagement with our community and the wider world
Hartwell Christian Values
H is for honesty every day
“Better to be poor and honest than rich and dishonest”, Proverbs 28 v 6
A for achievement and aspiration in every way
“A person will reap exactly what he sows”, Galatians 6 v 7
R is respect in what we do
“Respect everyone – love your fellow believers”, 1 Peter 2 v 17
T is for trust between me and you
“Trust in the Lord – he helps and protects you”, Psalm 117 v 9
W is for well-being, be confident in what you say
“A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body”, Proverbs 14:30
E is enthusiasm at work and play
“Whatever you do work at it with all your heart”, Colossians 3 v 23
L is for listening with kindness and care
“Listen and understand”, Matthew 15 v 10
L is for loving God’s world which we share
“Love conquers all”, Proverbs 10 v 12
What our children say about our Christian School Values.
'Honesty is all about being truthful with your friends and teachers. It's important to own up to your mistakes.'
'Looking after people's well-being is all about respecting others' opinions, behaving well (because it makes you feel good) and caring for the environment'
'Our values of enthusiasm means that we encourage others, believe in what we do and keep trying if we can't do it yet!"