Our Vision
Science is a subject that offers opportunities for curiosity and wonder. It helps children make sense of the world around them and build an interest in how everything around us works and why. Science helps children to seek answers to why we live the way we do and to consider further questions to help seek a clearer understanding about the world we live in.
At Hartwell, we create keen scientists who want to learn more about their lives and seek answers to questions. Through our curriculum, children become inquisitive and enthusiastic learners that lead enquiries to understand the world around them. We aim for all children to build vital team-working skills, the skills required to build robust scientific enquiries, but also the critical thinking skills to evaluate the reliability and validity of their answers.
The Subject Leader
As science subject leader, my role is to monitor the delivery of an engaging science curriculum across the school. I monitor teaching and learning through learning walks, book scrutinies and pupil voice. This enables me to have a comprehensive knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of our science teaching and, where necessary, take action. I look to support the team at Hartwell by investing in opportunities to make science as engaging and exciting as possible, through high-quality resources or wider projects that our school community can participate in.
Pleasure click here to see our School Development Plan SDP_24-25
Pupil Voice
At Hartwell, we believe it is vital to gather the children’s views about Science, which can guide our provision.
Please click here to see our Pupil Voice.
Please click here to see our SMSC in Science.
The Science Curriculum at Hartwell
At Hartwell, our science curriculum is centred on the Working Scientifically skills: asking questions, making predictions, setting up tests, observing and measuring, recording data, interpreting and communicating results, and evaluating. These skills are integrated into a breadth of topics across the school that build upon the prior year’s understanding. Many topics also have cross-curricular links, allowing our pupils to embed their scientific understanding further.
Click here to see the National Curriculum for Science
Science in the EYFS
Science is taught in reception as an integral part of their topic work. Science in the EYFS curriculum is set out within the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) which underpin the curriculum. Science makes a significant contribution to a child developing their understanding of the world; this can be done through exploring the natural world, making observations of animals and plants and drawing upon what has been read in class.
Useful Documents
Vocabulary progression document
Skills Progression Symphony grids