Our Vision
Literacy is fundamental, not only to our personal and social development, but also to our ability to understand, evaluate, dissect and disseminate knowledge and, consequently, to our ability to function effectively in society. Therefore, at Hartwell, we believe our children should be given every opportunity possible to develop their reading, writing and speaking and listening skills that they may cultivate the tools necessary for a happy and successful life.
We are committed to ensuring that our children:
- have the necessary tools to access the curriculum;
- are able to transfer knowledge, ideas and skills between subject areas;
- recognise the importance of and enjoy reading for pleasure;
- recognise the value of writing and communicating effectively;
- are able to continue their literacy development beyond their primary school career.
These fundamental, life-enhancing skills are delivered through an extensive programme of literacy initiatives:
- a range of interventions to support underachieving and lower ability students
- differentiated activities designed to meet the needs of all children
- opportunities to read for pleasure;
- cross-curricular vocabulary development and language books for KS2 children;
- Accelerated Reader programme;
- a range of literacy activities in all subjects across the curriculum;
- the explicit modelling of writing;
- exciting opportunities to develop speaking and listening opportunities, for example drama and debating.
The Subject Leader
It is my pleasure to lead Literacy at Hartwell as our children love to read and love to use their oracy skills to share their understanding, which is always a pleasure to behold. To ensure our children receive the best education, I monitor teaching and learning through lesson observations, book scrutinies and I gather pupil voice. This enables me to gain a solid picture of strengths and weaknesses in school and to take action, where necessary. I also ensure teachers have the relevant resources to teach literacy effectively. I am able to invest in high-quality resources for learners to use both inside and outside the classroom and online resources for teachers. This ensures teachers can plan exciting lessons for our children. Finally, as part of my role, I attend relevant CPD courses and disseminate any useful information to staff. I have enjoyed training the staff and keeping their skill set up to date so that they can teach as effectively as possible. This is usually in the form of staff meetings. The aim of these is to improve standards of teaching and learning.
Pupil Voice
We consider it important to gather the pupil’s views throughout the school year. The view the latest pupil surveys and the analysis generated from them please click below:
Literacy School Development Plan
The Literacy Curriculum at Hartwell
At Hartwell, the National Curriculum objectives covered in yearly long-term maps that ensure Fiction, Non Fiction and Poetry are covered effectively each term and across each Key Stage. Literacy is central to all curriculum topics and through the different genres that we study; children are able to express their understanding in a variety of ways. Throughout our long-term maps, key texts are planned for and celebrated as an important vehicle for learning in Literacy:
The objectives for Literacy in KS1 and KS2 are clearly set out for each year group in the National Curriculum. They are as follows in the National Curriculum programme of study:
National curriculum in England: English programmes of study
This is our English policy:
Hartwell Primary School English Policy